Reblog Installation

$Revision: 1.14 $

  1. Copy the file config.php.default to config.php, and add your local configuration information (note: most of these settings are further documented in the config.php.default file).

    Database settings:

    Database connection information, like mysql://username:password@hostname/database.
    During installation, be sure that the database user you set up has create, drop and alter privileges on the Reblog database so that tables may be created. After installation, normal use requires select, insert, update and delete privileges.
    If you want to change what your database tables are called, there are four.

    Other settings:

    Your local timezone, if different from the server's. Choose a value from the collection at
    Yes/no: Use the keyboard-sensitive navigation and functionality?
    How do we authenticate the user, and manage user accounts (values = RF or MT or WP). See ACCOUNTS.html for more info, but if you just want one user you can leave the default RF and forget about it.
    User name and password for HTTP authentication. If set, you will be prompted forthis information when you attempt to use the parts of Reblog that change the database.
    Author name for your outgoing feed.
    Title of your outgoing feed.
    Description of your outgoing feed.
    Yes/no: should links open in new windows?
    Number of items to show in a listing, by default.
    Number of days to keep items. Archived items older than this are pruned.
    Yes/no: Also prune unread items after REBLOG_KEEP_DAYS days.
    Globally unique identifying prefix for items in your outgoing feed. If you don't know what this is, odds are you don't need to change it.
    Yes/no: Is the user allowed to modify the feeds list?
    Yes/no: Is the user allowed to update the feeds?
    Yes/no: Is the user allowed to post new items?
  2. Upload the entire tree to wherever on your server you want Reblog to live.

  3. Create a directory called cache inside your Reblog directory, and make it world-writeable (chmod a+rwX cache).

  4. Load the page http://{your server}/{wherever you put Reblog}/install.php. The installer will first check that it can connect to your DB, and then attempt to create your database tables.

  5. Play around and figure out how it works. It's pretty straightforward. Or see the Users' Guide.

  6. Optionally setup a cron job to perform feed updates on your behalf. Add a call to GET, wget or curl to your crontab, and have it request http://{your server}/{wherever you put Reblog}/update-quiet.php.


    # Update all feeds once per hour
    0 * * * * /usr/bin/curl -I ""