Upgrading reBlog

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reBlog 2.0 Upgrade Instructions from reBlog 1.x

reBlog 2.0 contains many significant changes from reBlog 1.x, especially in the database format used to store feeds and entries. We strongly recommend that you proceed by installing a fresh copy of reBlog 2.0 in separate from reBlog 1.x.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Begin by installing reBlog 2.0 according to the installation instructions, under "reFeed".

  2. Older version of reBlog offer an OPML listing of your feeds - find it, and note its URL.

  3. Enter the OPML URL in reBlog 2.0's Add Feeds form.

  4. Submit the form, and wait. It's normal for this process to take a long time - each of your feeds is being requested and new items downloaded.

reBlog 1.0 Upgrade Instructions from reBlog 0.1 or 0.9 beta

We've done our best to make upgrades from the previous beta versions as painless as possible. However, we don't guarantee that they will work perfectly.

So, first and foremost -- BACK UP YOUR FeedOnFeeds/ReceSS AND MovableType MySQL DATABASES!!! phpMyAdmin makes this easy, as does the command-line utility mysqldump.

What's that? We repeat -- BACK UP YOUR FeedOnFeeds/ReceSS AND MovableType MySQL DATABASES!!!

Also, a caveat

The current reBlog implementations depend on a variety of schemes for global unique identification. These schemes are consistent within theselves, but not 100% consistent with previous versions of reBlog software.

So, upon upgrading to reFeed and then updating feeds for new content, you may find that some posts are duplicated. This should only happen the first time that you update a feed's content in reFeed.

Similarly, the first time that you import entries from reFeed into Movable Type, there may be some new posts generated that are duplicates of old ones. This should only happen for the first 24 hours after the upgrade.

Upgrade Instructions

The two components to upgrade -- reFeed and the MT plugin -- have both been imbued with the automagical ability to detect which version was previously installed, and to upgrade to the current version. It should be as easy as 1,2,3.

  1. Install reFeed according to the instructions in the reFeed distribution. reFeed's install functions automatically upgrade from previous versions

  2. If you are coming from reBlog 0.1, which ran under Movable Type 2.6, first make sure you fully upgrade Movable Type to 3.x according to its own upgrade/installation instructions.

  3. Install the Movable Type reBlog plugin according to the instructions that accompany it. It will automatically provide you links, within Movable Type, to install or upgrade to the current version.